
Erasmus+ Projekt WINGS Treffen in Finnland

Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projekts – Wellbeing Improvement for New Generations at Schools (WINGS) – fand in der Woche vom 02. - 08. Februar 2020 die fünfte Mobilität in Finnland statt.  



Hierzu reisten die SchülerInnen Sarah Schneider, Stella Neuen, Laurent Sweerts und Linus Philippi  

(Klassenstufe 9) mit den begleitenden Lehrkräften Herr Waltner  und Frau Reis zum Treffen nach Suomussalmi in Finnland. 

The week went under the slogan Improving Physical wellbeing: "We are what we eat" & “Just do it” 

We arrived on the 2.2.2020 at 7pm in Soumussalmi and got to know our host families better. On Monday, we started with various welcome/warm up activities, after which we had a healthy lunch sticking to the theme of the trip, followed by some physical team building exercises and training on healthy eating habits. On Tuesday, after we’d worked in transnational groups on survey results, we visited a reindeer farm and learned to cross country ski, which may I add is a lot harder than normal skiing. Wednesday was our city break day, on which we were allowed to visit a nearby city and had a good time just among the students. We also visited Vuokatti-Ruka sports academy, where we met some e-sports instructors. Thursday was started off with a lot of physical activities including dancing. At 18:00 o’clock we had our farewell party, but not before we had a buffet dinner. On our final day we had a video ad contest, visited a few well-established museums and visited a dairy farm which is a big part in Finnish history. On Saturday everybody left to return to their home countries. 

Wir möchten uns bei unserer finnischen Partnerschule sowie bei den Gastfamilien für die Gastfreundschaft bedanken und freuen uns auf das letzte Treffen des Projekts in Spanien. 

 Das Erasmus+ Projekt wird von der Europäischen Kommission und der luxemburgischen Agentur Anefore finanziert. Diese Institutionen sind aber nicht für den Inhalt dieser Mitteilung verantwortlich

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